My favourite resources
Not sure how to use a word? Ask ChatGPT (or equivalent) to provide example sentences using the word.
Want to know how to pronounce a word when it is being used naturally? On Youglish you can search for words (also filtered by eight different native speaker accents if this is important to you) and it will play you short clips where these words are being spoken.
Do you want to know if your English is understandable? Use Microsoft word's dictate function to check understanding. You speak and it types what it hears.
Interested in a language learning app? It's really hard to keep up-to-date here as everything is developing so fast but from my research the current best one is Langua. Great all round language learning app. There is a free and a paid version.
Do you want to expand your English vocab? I always recommend focusing your vocab learning around the key words you need and the best way to do that is by creating your own list. However, if you are now at the stage where you have the basics that you need, and you want to expand your vocab in general WordUp is a really cool app. It uses images and video clips to help you memorise the word, has an AI bot teacher Lexi, and also a'fantasy chat' where you can have written conversations with the AI version of your favourite celebrities.
Are you interested in cultural differences? If you work with people from other countries, working well together is often just as much about understanding the cultural differences as it is the language. In this website Country comparison tool you can input countries to see how they compare on the main issues of cultural difference (according to Hofstede's power distance theory).
Do you need practise at understanding a particular accent, for example Italian or Japanese people speaking English? Someone's first language not only affects their pronunciation in English but often also their sentence structure. Search on Youtube and you can find hundreds of videos from people of every nationality speaking in English.